Retro, so they say, is all the rage, and it's an aesthetic that I think Kristin Perkins gets on an intuitive level, as this series, depicted here in the earring and pendant incarnations, (there was also a matching bangle-bracelet, as I recall) demonstrates.

Earrings: silver, soda-lime glass. Mandrel wound beads, fabricated and braised. Copyright 2005 Kristin Perkins. All rights reserved.
I don't know that I made it clear in my earlier posts, but Kristin makes the beads and fabricates the silver, using both cold (sawing, punching, riveting) and hot (brazing) techniques. She's the artist who introduced me to the joys of circle punches, which I have yet to master.

Pendant: soda-lime glass, sterling silver. Mandrel wound bead, sawn, riveted and braised. Roughly 1” (25mm) in diameter. Copyright 2005 Kristin Perkins. All rights reserved.
I was very pleased that I managed to set up the lighting so that the satin-shiny silver petals reflected light back into the transparency of the glass. (Oh no, art speak. sigh.) Not much else to add, except that if you're interested in owning some of these delightful pieces yourself, Kristin wholesales to a number of galleries—contact her to find the one near you:)
file created 18jun06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn