The nickname ‘delicious’ for delica beads—think it was the beadcats people who might've started it—seems to have dropped out of common parlance, which is a shame, because I always thought it rather apt: though without the rounded shoulders I find so useful in the sort of organic, curvy beadwork I tend to, delicas are certainly delicious in terms of hole size; luscious in their palette; and sensual in their range of finishes, particularly the matte beads.
After purple and green, orange and green is probably my favorite color combo, and Margaret, in her Elements piece, demonstrates beautifully how well this works.

bracelet, 2005/2006. Copyright Margaret Sutherland, all rights reserved. The artist says she intends to add more transitions, to increase the structural integrity.
I should note, I selected this piece to play around with image processing. Though the subject is not much changed, and that mostly by accident I fiddled with the background a great deal to (attempt to) clean up the shadows. Fun, but frustrating.
file created 21aug06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn