Links to older files in this category.

I took a bicycle tour to Vietnam in April and May of 2004. Here are some pix and a travelog of my experiences. (Most recent pages added 31oct04)

Late summer flower pix, shot on Ypsi-Ann Arbor bike path along the Huron river (taken 16aug04; posted 20aug); And some late spring flower pix mostly shot during a Saturday morning ride near Chelsea, on the AATBS route between A2 & Dexter (and on to Chelsea) featuring a nice clump of columbines (taken 29may; posted 29aug); finally, here's the original post in this series, flora and fauna shot on Ypsi-Ann Arbor bike paths, including dames’ rocket, and one each of yellow and blue flags.

Yet more flower pix taken while on a road trip to Minnesota this June. This page could be summed up as “Romantic shots of pretty pink weeds”. (posted 19aug04)

A few pix taken around Portland, OR, mostly of Chinese, Japanese and International Rose Test Gardens. 14aug04

Family camping trip to Wisconsin. I've used the best picture for the thumbnail, but click on it also to see pictures of blue flags, true native leopard lilies, and other wildflowers.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn