F2tY isn't so much thrilled about cleaning as really detesting messy environments.[1] I have my little detestations, and one of them is random blank pages. If I were more honest I would simply accept that there would be blank pages, or pages used for things that didn't work out—this one was supposed to be some sort of a master index, a function currently taken over by the index and tag pages—instead of feeling compelled to use them.

Purple loosestrife—a beautiful garden escapee now considered a major invasive. 22aug2010 f3.2 at 1/60sec zuiko 50mm macro, E620 olympus body
In a perfect world, I would've found some images that predated the 1jan10 creation date, but those earlier images have been rather thoroughly mined, and I quite liked these, which, judging from other images in the directory, were likely shot in Grand Rapids, MI, which I happened to be visiting that day.
I love photographing pea flowers because they have such intriguing shapes, decorating with curling vines, not to mention the intense hot-pink colour. When the blossoms are fresh, they have a lovely iridescence, like very fine dew: perhaps the moisture in the translucent cells is what gives them that sheen.
I generally walk into town several times a week, and one of the little pleasures are the pea plants growing along the fence of a neighbor whose yard abuts the church parking lot I cut through on my way. I have admired, photographed, even drawn these flowers many, many times over the years.
page originally created (for something else) in 2010; photos also from 2010; the two put together w text in 2018; finally posted 13apr20.
[1]F2tE wanted me to gussy up a stained apron, which I didn't mind doing but it mystified me, as it seemed perfectly fine the way it was. But the stains! I'm all about gussying-up so it kind of intrigued me that here was a thing I didn't care about; but f2tE, who is far more clothes-centric than I am evidently felt this object should be made more beautiful to enhance the act of making food: a life as art that didn't engage my imagination, which is rather unusual for me.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn