· r e j i q u a r · w o r k s ·
the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Jewel in an Asian Setting

This is, again, not the sort of garden I could do, but this later-blooming, and deeper fuchsia-colored, magnolia looks gorgeous with the sun shining through it.

Magnolia in Asian inspired garden

I just love the way the grass positively glitters, and how the redbud echos the fuchsia magnolia—I've noticed that this cultivar, which is a richer pink, tends to bloom later. Anyway, this just looks magical to me.

And here's the house.

This image has been cloned (upper right corner) & blurred—because I never, ever, ever seem to get my images straight up and down. No matter how hard I try.

photo 04may09, post 05may09.


[local] [architecture]