Around about New Year's we got our second big (about 5", which for us is significant but not unusual) snow of the season, and this batch was much wetter than the powder first time around, which meant it stuck beautifully to the trees. As the day progressed the sun became gradually obscured with clouds, leading to this picture, which I shot from the tridge, the local walking bridge with three arms across the river, along side which the snow brightens the patch of brilliant sky blue reflected in the water.

I used apeture priority (my fave;) at 1/38sec at f7.3, with no ev adjustment. Canon coolpix 8400, shot around noon.
Yes, the color really was that saturated. Amazing, especially as the water is typically a muddy brown. I did crop out the concrete of the auto bridge above;)
file created 11jan08.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn