Purple and Green
And Gold. Just for kicks...
I was so pleased with the way a similar braid of the same fiber (in a different colorway) came out that I decided to try and replicate the effect. The purple and green are significantly darker values than the blue and orange were, so this effort is more contrasty.

16 strand cotton, 3mm x 51 inches. Romanian perle cotton, size 12, ombre dyed in gold, purple and pine green. Completed July 2015.
It's slightly shorter, and not perfectly symmetrical—the finished end was missing about 4" of purple braid, perhaps owing to a combo of uneven braiding and dyeing—but still fairly successful.
update: Process photo added 30aug15.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn