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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Triangles to Diamonds
or, my first idea crashed and burned

Originally intended to be a triangular braid, I quickly discovered any braid not kongo[1] is very frustrating to do on a disk because of the constant readjustments. I rethought my layout and turned the braid into a 12 strand kongo.

(Very) inexpensive perle cotton; 11’ (when stretched).

2 of the strands are red and 2 are blue from some inexpensive ombre crochet cotton; they make up the diamond patterns. The remaining 8 strands are light ivory and though nominally the same size or weight (#8?) are actually thinner. This is a long braid because often I cut the lengths to get one complete repeat; in this case I didn't pay much attention to the way the shifting value of the colored threads would interact because I simply wanted a lot of cordage (to use for the drawstring bags we put omiyage in for our 2014 trip to Japan).

And I was very very ready to do something else by the time I finished with this one. Since I had a bluegreen kumi on disk 28nov2013, which I completed 29nov2013, this couldn't’ve have been the direct predecessor to the red/white/pale blue striped kongoh —despite my assertions to the contrary in that post.

[1]Well, now that I have Tada-sensai's book on disk braiding I might might a few that are more doable. But kongoh is certainly the easiest and most obvious [round] disk braid.

