Somehow or other I borked this page and doubled up on the intro from earlier this week; but now that I have the magical automatic ‘unfinished’ tag, instead of discovering this months (or years) later, I found the problem the same week.

(Japanese) disposable microns (sakura technical pens) on Japanese sketchbook paper, cropped. mid September (before 22Sep)
Anyway. I drew doodled sketched this picture of a hosta leaf from memory (no doubt listening to something or other on youtube or the like) roughly during the same period as I was putting together an order for some new hostas to add to my collection, which I placed on the 18th; this sketch was probably made roughly the same time—before the watercolours featured over the last two days, at any rate.
It's relatively accurate (I think, anyway) for something drawn from memory, which just goes to show actually drawing things is a good way to look at them as well.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn