First up, the first in my vote series of october ink drawings. It's pretty rough, because I was listening to some political thing or other.
ball point pen on a 2020 Japanese appointment diary page, roughly 8.25 x 5.5", made on 19oct20; photographed & image edited 21oct20
The unicorn drawing is actually third in the series (the second being yesterday's), and is the one that cemented the series. Inktober is the visual artist's answer to Nanowrimo, and to help people out with ideas, there are various sets of prompts floating out there, such the ones I did for days 1 and 2. This drawing, however, was inspired by Melanie Brooks of Earthenwood, whose work I've admired for a long time, and who is doing the the drawlloween prompts, which fit in perfectly with her current product line of creepy-horror stickers and sculptural mixed media. She chose a unicorn for the day 19 #APOTHECARY prompt, and I was (heh) promptly enchanted with the idea, which I modified by adding in the #VOTE2020 theme.
ballpoint, brush and micron pens on a sheet of computer paper (8.5x11") folded in half. 20–21oct20, photographed and image edited (i.e. cropped) 21oct20
I'd actually like to try doing the unicorn/apothecary idea again—it has a lot of potential!
In the meantime, many thanks to Melanie for her inspiration:)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn