The fabulous Fran gave me a wonderful hand-made sketchbook for xmas last year when she was in town for the holidays (a mere six months ago, jeez, how times have changed...) and I hit upon the perfect way to use it, as my travel sketchbook for the trip to see her in February.

P1140653adj.JPG (27may20) watercolour on paper, roughly 5-3/8 x 8-1/4. The two red blobs in the lower left are studies for two peony centers (see photo below)
She used assorted papers, and I “saved” some of the heavier stock not used during the trip for watercolours—and then practised painting on those pages.
As is typical in these undertakings, the quality of the work decreased...
As my (mostly) mental fatigue increased. This image is especially bad—that wretched scrubbing! (Since these peonies are in my own garden, it is easier to get a chair, drink of water, bathroom break, etc., but mostly, when I'm learning something I'm good for an hour a day. If I'm lucky.)
07jun22: added peony tag; 13jun22 added stripeys tag
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn