This represents a happy memory from 2016, a drawing made while drinking coffee and hanging out with art friends. Given the subject matter, I'd suspect f2tE; given the coffee, Frances. (I know we were at a coffee shop because I have a picture of coffee, with one of those fancy fern designs next to the sketchbook;) It's also possible I started the animal at home, doing the easier-while-chatting fungi while hanging out.[1]
Since at the time I didn't have very good protocols for pulling images on my phone, they tended to pile up, and I seem to recall this one, from late July, serving as the ref for the animal.
The mushrooms, though, were probably just from image searches.
[1]I'm going strictly by 4 year old memories here, I haven't any notes specific to the day.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn