This subindex particularly collects together ‘stripeys’, a bead in which the stripes are ‘built in’ to the base glass. Clicking on the picture will take you to the first link posted in the accompanying description (even if the image goes to the second—yeah, I'm lazy;)

This subindex collects three posts of more scrap bullseye stripeys, this time in miniature mode. Currently includes three links, originally posted 9 & 11 aug06, and 06sep06.

This howto post primarly focuses on techniques for making stripeys, but does include one picture of the finished product. Created 20apr05, and originally posted 05may05. And here is another post on exactly the same topic, with beads that look nearly identical, created & uploaded about a year later, on 11aug06.

This post covers a handsome series of stripeys in 5 colorways made (so far as I can tell) in 2003 and as a bonus includes my postcard from that year.
Other Striped, but not stripey, beads:

Stripeys to me are hollow round bead stripeys, but these beads do have the stripes built into the glass, so, technically, they qualify. Plus, some day I want to develop the theme further. So here they are, even though really this is mostly a post about teaching kids how to braid. Originally posted 10aug06.

So these gravity swirl beads are striped, and they're even hollow, but the stripes are surface applied, as opposed to being part of the original construction. Part of a series (and also indexed as such) of beads in a variety of techniques made using a pastel bullseye palette. Originally posted 11jan06

This rotation of axis borosilicate bead, made for a mini-beadcurtain project & originally posted 11apr06 is another example of an applied stringer/stripe technique. Many more examples of the technique can be seen in the ornaments pages.
stripey sub-index created 29aug06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn