I just love making these.

Frit, powder, trailing. Abstract hollows, some chiming. The small very dark blue is blue goldstone frit.
This time around, I was a bit more careful, and didn't use striking transparent orange by mistake. However, I was dismayed to discover I had no opaque red frit. Also, still on the hunt for that wonderful coarse powder Cindi B gave me—she told me she thought she got it at a Jeri Warhaftig class, for using white and metals (i.e. copper leaf) to get those beautiful blues.
I note that Frantz is selling frits in lots of colors I don't remember being available last time I looked (probably 10 years ago.) Hmm....
UPDATE: Approximately $169 (plus shipping) later, I should have some fun new variations on this theme to play with, once all those new frits I've ordered arrive. Guess I'd better participate in Bead&Button. Or something.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn