I made this necklace years ago at some sort of retreat I went to in lieu of Gathering. I think. Since the last time I went to Gathering was in 2007, that means this thing is at least a decade old. It's, um, taken me awhile to get around to photographing it.
And it would still probably be waiting in the queue, but someone wanted to borrow my lensbaby, and while she was an experienced photographer (more than I am, actually...) she'd never used this lens, which is of course is completely manual. Nor the particular camera body (Olympus E620, which is a four-thirds mount); plus we had a little palaver about my manual flash, which she thought would actually be simpler to use, since there's no need to go trawling through a bunch of menus—it's got 4 buttons on the back (and I typically only use 2 of them) —which since use the flash to with mostly manual settings anyway, it quite a bit easier.[1]
There's not a lot else to say, except that I obviously used big-hole mandrels to make these beads. Also, I'm not very good at making big-hole mandrel beads:) Or making dogwood bracts[2] , since I forgot to put the notch in them.[3]
Just for fun, here's some real dogwood, shot about the same time as the necklace:)

White dogwood, cornus floridus. Possibly my favourite flowering tree. Certainly my favourite native.
And here's a pink version:
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn