N.b.: this page has been updated. See the 2006 price schedule for current prices and policies. Thanks. (Update 14jun06)

an assortment of red and orange curliQs—slightly redder in the picture than real life—my claim to 15 minutes of fame, and I'm enjoying every second...!
So far as the orange curliQs featured in the October/November 2003 BeadWork magazine goes, if you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, you're really in luck, because Bead Monkey will be receiving a shipment of them, in assorted colors, shortly—so you can handpick, and not even pay shipping! You could urge some of the other shops that carry my work to get some in for you.
I'll also be selling at Bead Bonanza, in Southfield. The show moves around in the spring, though it's usually around the beginning of March but is almost always the first Sunday in October; this year is no different. I have my own booth this time around, but if you don't see me, check out the GlassAct251 booth, of which I'm a member.
If you can't purchase from your local bead shop and I'm too far away, then yes, even though I still don't have the shopping cart installed, you can call (the number is at the bottom of the article, and will be posted in the ad I have in next month's issue) or email me with what you'd like to get—this goes for other beads on the site. You may rest assured that sending me email does not in any way obligate you to buy anything—I like talking to other beaders:)
Retail prices for the curliQs are as follows (shipping additional):
- 10–13MM: $12.00
- 14–17MM: $14.00
- 18–23MM: $18.00
- 24–26MM: $25.00
I'm guessing the one in the magazine was probably around 20–22 mm, but I honestly don't remember. Measurements are from hole to hole, and yes, like 95% of the beads I make, these are hollow—making them perfect for delicate designs like the ‘Faux Coral Necklace’.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn