The bead curtain is my go-to protocol for absorbing all my bad practise beads, as with these two horseheads here:

two sculptural pressed beads, Apr2020, right, 30x55mm (1.25x2.25"); photographed 14apr20, LumixLX-100. This is a combination of 2 exposures that were aligned & then cropped.
It's a bit frustrating that these practise beads are so much more successful than the serious effort that immediately followed, but it makes perfect sense, because they're much more abstracted (and much less overworked, though they still cracked a lot, especially the long bead on the right).
Since these are semi-successful, I think I'll practise this level of difficulty for awhile. Then attempt the harder style, after I'm halfway decent at this one.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn