I'm having a difficult time dating these precisely—it's been awhile since I made them, and to add to the confusion I misplaced my studio notebook for a month or so in early 2021 but these were likely made after the blue ones, themselves a project to “use up” failed unicorn horn ornaments, and those date from roughly 21Apr – 09May; so let's say, Spring of 2021, or about a year ago.

amber and ivory filigrana stripey hollows, largest 20x25mm. Sony ILCE-7c & sony 90mm macro, godox 600 flash, f/4.5, ev 0, 1/160sec.
Besides becoming gifts for Fran, they were an opportunity to make large beads again after making so many minihollows, and the filigrana makes it very easy to evaluate technique.
But here they all are, photographed at last.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn