2020 Glassact Feb Exchange
Hearts with frit and powder
After making some hearts for my friend Page, I posted a picture of them to the guild's facebook page, enquiring whether anyone wanted to do an exchange. Several people did, and these were my offerings, made on red glass with a variety of white frits and powders.

frit and powder hearts, made sometime between 6&9 feb; photographed 9feb2020, E620, zuiko macro lens.
They're not super exciting, but I liked them, and my favourite photo was this one with some fun bokeh. This picture was taken at f4 at 1sec using available light. I probably should've colour balanced the background a little, as it's on the yellow side, but whatever.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn