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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Long Green Barrel
featuring frit and powder

I had this blank post lying around and, luckily enough, discovered a photograph taken the same day as its nominal creation date, so with that sort of synchronicity, decided to feature this barrel bead:

barrel, decorated with frits, including, I strongly suspect silver green reduction frit. Made on or around 13oct2011; photographed 4Nov11; post, 12dec2017.

Oddly enough I have a very vivid memory of making this bead in my friend Cindi B's basement: and a perusal of my files explains why, as it is a base bead created for Margaret Zinser's class: except, I liked it so much, I never did the over-painting[1] , because it reminded me of a favourite Stevi Belle vessel. Not a lot else to say about it except I'm pretty sure the base bead is a) solid and b) made of black glass.

Considering how much I liked the bead, it's kind of sad that I have no idea where it is it's not terribly surprising that a) it's sitting in a place of honour with many favourite beads made by friends or especially esteemed teachers and b) after seven years it had kind of receded into the background.[2]

page originally created 2011-11-04T08:12:35; reused, 12dec2017T20:41; finally posted 21nov2023

[1]Being studio assistant rather than student, I could suit myself:)

[2]And now as of Nov 2023, it's lost again...it's probably in a drawer somewhere waiting to be strung. I really need to do a studio deep-clean;)