I took my leaf sucker to Don's class, and made this bead while applying the leaf I put on it—both gold and silver. Plus, some of Cindi's raku frit. The base bead is ivory. I primarily made this page for the benefit of Candy, our guild graphic designer extraordinaire, as a possibility for the guild postcard.

reverse. This side has more color and is more dramatic. Gold and silver leaf, raku frit over ivory. Hollow mandrel wound, 6gms.
Not a terribly exciting bead, but one of the earlier ones I made after get[ting hit] by a car, so it has a special place in my heart. Plus it's like, only the second bead I've taken with my new camera, and boy, does it do a nice job.
Photographed 2jun10; minor edit, 05jan2016.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn