Even though my membership in the purple and green fan club isn't about to expire anytime soon, amber rules for a couple of reasons—one, of course, is amber purple, which can be made to strike a lovely, lovely magenta-purple (reflectively) and still be a wonderful golden honey amber (transparently). And of course there's the fact that amber is the reason I got into the bead business:)
So here are some amber rotation of axis ornaments/suncatchers to celebrate the wonderful-ness of amber-purple, even if they don't quite illustrate effectively that same wonderfulness...
This one is my favorite photograph—the ruby strike (looks like black in the picture) stripes provide some nice contrast, and the attaching loop, made with the end of a matching point, is particularly effective—like the ‘collar’ effecct and the matching stripes of the loop.
file created 22jan06
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn