4 boro bunnies
well, at least the legs didn't fall off...
These were made as gifts. And, whatever their problems, they're the first time I've worked boro in any form for years, and the very first time I made what could be considered even a minimally successful studio shot with the new flash.

4 glass bunnies. Largest, approximately 1.5–2 inches (40–50mm) long; butterscotch and an unknown teal test glass; borosilicate, 03apr2022. Sony 90mm macro, ILCE-7c, 1/160 s, f/2.8, ISO 64, manual flash, photographed 04apr2022.
From that point of view, they're a real victory, despite whatever infelicities present themselves in manufacture or photography.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn