· r e j i q u a r · w o r k s ·
the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Red/turquoise/lime stripe giftwrap
oooh, shiny...

Since I'd gone to the trouble to color-correct, crop and load the images of this gift in the Giftwrap directory (which is, for this sort of post, something like 50 or 75% of the work) I figured I might as well finish the thing.

gift wrapped in colorful striped paper. Image has been lightened, mebbe color corrected because somebody was too lazy to bracket for exposure or color.

I particularly enjoyed the metallicized snowflake, red beads and tiny green bow. If you got the idea that I like shiny (which should be obvious since, hello, I work with glass) especially shiny, vivid color...well, you would be right!

And here's a case of reusing the wrapping. On a box small enough to fit into the light cube, oh so much easier to light.

Not only do I like bright and shiny, I think mebbe I mentioned something about lazy...?

