A while— quite awhile ago[1] I decorated some wrapping/packing paper with leftover henna paste practise; also to make wrapping paper. Eventually, the plan was to let cheap latex paint thicken up a bit, cone it, and try using that.[2]

Henna decorated packing paper; raffia; pipe cleaner; horse xmas ornament; photographed 22jan21, cropped, image edited with value curves & softlight mode.
I don't know that this paper is from the 2017 series, but it's at least two years old, so my guess is...probably. I had sort of been saving it, and decided to use it up, before it got moldy or the henna all cracked off, or something. The paper is upcycled, very matte, and serves as the perfect base for earth toned raffia, twisted paper ribbon and the generally subdued palette.
Nevertheless, I'm unapologetic about applying the newly discovered ‘softlight’ mode to the image for a bit of snap.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn