· r e j i q u a r · w o r k s ·
the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Midnight blue
with silver and white...

Yesterday I showed a very pretty paper which I didn't really make look very good. Today is the opposite: paper that I didn't find to be a very appealing colour (or quality) that was quite easy to decorate.

paper, twist, fabric, curling ribbons; bows...24dec19, Lumix LX-100, cropped only.

Since the paper had as its motif snow crystals, it made perfect sense to use a white ribbon stamped with silver foil snow crystals. Picking up on that, I added to silver edged bows: one matte silver, the other white. Some dark blue twist paper, white curling ribbon and a bit of silver ribbon—the big loop, added to give height, completed the job.

The loop probably should've been wrapped twice around something 2 to 2.5 ” in diameter for a more elegant shape, but I just sort of rolled with the original: it's a handle, scavenged from a gift bag.


[giftwrap] [2019]