I was given some ...not quite beautiful but what I would perhaps call darling tchotchkes by my dear friend Page, with instructions to rehome them. As it happens I have other friends for whom the passion of “getting rid of stuff” is not quite so strong[1] which has the extra, added attraction of providing me excuses to do giftwrapping.

map paper, ribbon, bows, silk (& plastic[2] flowers. May 2016
Tbh, I wasn't thrilled with this effort, no matter how hard I tried (and hot glue I used) but someone else was specially drawn to this one, despite the larger and more dramatic pile of coral & turquoise ones. Which just goes to show that just because I think it's an abject failure not one of my best efforts doesn't mean others won't be pleased.
As for me, I have been wanting to rehome these dark blue flowers forever, and was glad to match them up with someone who adores this colour.[3]
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn