After hearing f2tE sing the praises of adjustable heat electric tea kettles (and the old one died) I decided to get the wizard one as a gift. I was originally going to get a more expensive model, but they all seem to die with hard usage after about a year (and we boil water multiple times a day for tea) and this one, in addition to being much cheaper, also fits in our new cabinets. I love my beautiful new kitchen when the counters are bare, so this was a major selling point.
I've actually used the pink paper before but it obviously didn't cover the box, so I supplemented with some red and white striped stuff (I love red and white stripes.) But now I had to blend the soft pink decorations,[1] with the sharper red and white. Oh, and throw in some of the many many many silk flowers I ended up with after the wizard's crafty aunt died.

valentine's day giftwrap. Paper, ribbon, iridescent packing, silk flowers and lots and lots of hot glue. The photo has been burned in the dark leaf area on the left to lighten it up a little[2]
So I just sort of kept adding...till the top of the box was covered, more or less. If you look closely at the leaf of one rose, there's a red monkey sticker on it: f2tY has been making little felt creatures as gifts, and the wizard's special animal is a monkey, which ze poses humorously and sends cell phone pix of.
[1]Which actually are still on there, though they're buried in this pix!
[2]I was so busy virtuously sorting receipts for taxes I'd lost most of my light before I remembered to photograph it, and I didn't really have time to mess around setting up the ‘real’ camera—the N8 continues to be annoying as a sort-of smart phone, but it's a pretty decent camera, which, after all, was the reason I chose it.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn