I only saved a very few irises from the old garden, and I figured I'd had only purple ones, plus the gigantic yellow one that maybe came withthe house? But, surprise, I have one burgundy one. And the wizard showed me a cute little button that's been on gqview all along, ‘properties’, which gives me the stats for the images. (I use gimp for editing the images, but gqview for finding/reviewing/organizing them.)

I like this angled shot the best. As the data indicates, I'm underexposing, which I find I often have to do with this camera (coolpix 8400). 1/66sec f2.6, -0.7ev, 6.10 focal length (whatever that means—maybe how far I've extended the lens?)
Here's a close up, showing those wonderful spots and stripes even ‘solid’ iris have:

This crop is at full size. At this magnification, some of my weaknesses as a photographer become apparent (motion blur, small bright ‘blowouts’) 1/76sec, f2.6, -0.7ev, focal length 6.10
Well, irises seem to grow here. Hafta break down and finally buy some of those batik ones...Like the other iris, I hope this one survives—despite my love of purple, I really like this one too.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn