I have pix of this cultivar going back to 2001,[1] which means it was a gift from Anne S., an avid daylily gardener; as such it's at least 20 years[2] old, and it's possibly from the ‘Gold’ lineage (of which there are a great many, as I discovered while wandering through the national org's daylily database.)

Sony ILCE-7C with lensbaby sweet 35; 21July22:16:53; EV +0.3, 1/1000s, ISO 100, WB daylight; cropped and scaled.
I've also featured this one before, albeit only a couple of years ago.

Sony ILCE-7C with sony 90mm macro; 22jul22:19:42 f/2.8, ev -0.3, 1/100s, ISO 160; WB cloudy; playing a bit with that foreground blurring w/r/t to the black eyed susans.
It's a rich colour, and seems to get by with less sun and water than some of the other ‘thick’ petalled cultivars. And it goes great with the goldsturm rudbeckia hirta (black eyed susans) as they're the same colour but very different shapes.

Sony ILCE-7C, sony 90mm macro lens; f/4.5, ev +0.3, 1/125s, ISO 100, WB: daylight; cropped & (slightly) scaled
Obligatory raindrop shot: if you click for the full size image you can see that the tiny water drops on the pistil are nice and sharp, which I at least had to use manual focus to achieve reliably. Fortunately the macro lens has a handy switch that makes it very easy to switch between auto and manual focus, yay.
UPDATE: after going through a thread of “old” daylilies, this is one might be SPELLBINDER Baker S H 1957; another candidate would be ‘By Myself’ 1971 (check out also Linda Ball's Plum Hill Daylilies
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn