Yesterday it was cool and quiet, and I do think my efforts at painting came out better:

9.75 x 6.75 inches, leatherbound sketchbook; watercolour applied with brush pen,en plein air 22sep2020. Shot outdoors (hence that burnt out sun dapple on the right edge), cropped only. oneplus, 22sep2020.
Obviously I still do not really know how to lay down glazes: which is probably not practical for outdoor sketching anyway. But I was able to forget, for a bit, that our government is doing its level best to deprive me and my friends of health care.
Here's a crop of the actual plant.

This shot was taken in cloudy conditions on 20sep2020 at 18:13. 1/33se, ISO 1000, f1.7 one plus phone camera.
This shot, taken two days earlier in the evening, shows how differing light really shifts the colour; my eyes, of course, compensate a good deal more automatically than the camera. Off to the left you can just see the big blue hosta (& its fern leaf) that I attempted to depict yesterday.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn