This first image is not from my garden, but taken from a church driveway/parking lot that borders the back of a property that has gifted me with the opportunity to photograph & sketch many beautiful flowers, up very close:) I took the picture because I thought I had spotted some rare, purple siberian squill. Obviously these are not squill, though they're roughly the same size, have six-petaled bell shaped flowers and are a similar colour.

photograped march2020, some minor image editing with curves tools. Click for the sharp, full-size version
I think chionodoxa are particularly pretty as lawn flowers, with all those delightful white eyes; however, I have only a few, sparse patches, which I'm therefore loathe to move. Here's one from my own garden, albeit without the enchanting water drops or the unusually deep colour:
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn