These pictures were taken on the first day of autumn—purple, yellow and white are the order of the day for the fall garden, with touches of pink from Japanese anemone and the occasional phlox here and there.

Olympus, lensbaby 21sep2017—perennial sunflowers & snakeroot, with purple asters & ironweed in the background, also goldenrod.
I haven't featured a lot of flower pix, and since the fall garden was coming into its own, I played around a bit.
The snakeroot has really taken over—like the asters in the background, it's just sprouting up all over, to the point that I'm gonna have to start pulling it like weeds. It does well in part shade and tolerates dry conditions, which is why it's spreading.
The perennial sunflowers, are, of course, always everywhere, as they're incredibly weedy. After the flowers stop blooming, I pull all of it I can find, but there's always plenty of the (supposedly) edible tubers for the following year. This is not a plant to have if you hate weeding.
A lot of my phlox have succumbed to the late summer drought, but this one actually managed to bloom. Phlox, despite its predilection to mildew, seems to do best when nearly buried in a mixed planting of other tall things (e.g. ironweed) that keep it from drying out & burning up. I didn't realize it was a sorta-prairie plant.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn