So, just because I'm on a garden photography kick, (not to mention the fact that the wizard fixed the code to display—and crop—my vertical pix properly) some pix of the front yard, carefully composed to make it look far better than it actually does:
This lot of yellow yarrow[1] are one of the few things that came with the house that have continued to thrive. I'm pretty happy with them, because they grow.

Dayliles. Most are from my friend Anne S, but this lemon yellow lot came with our old house and I brought some of them with me.

Closeup of the yarrow, from a slightly different angle. I like the way the one echinacea fits between the yarrow framing it on either side.
18jul20: added daylily tag
[1]Now, there's a tongue-twister for native Japanese speakers...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn