So after that first batch I naturally hoped to get some pix of my faves, the striped cultivar known as Pickwick. I rather appreciate the literary connection (even though I've never read the book.)

I like this picture of crocus—taken on a lovely warm day, which is why the petals are so open—because it's in FOCUS.
Right now, of course, most of my garden is underwater from all the rain, though the ‘rain garden’ I dug last fall does seem to be keeping the runoff from the neighbor's yard, which I'm sure he duly appreciates. But I kinda wanted a reminder that the garden will survive the puddles:)

Not quite in focus, but the best of my pickwick pictures, and it does have a nice composition; so it'll just have to do!
I just love the pickwick cultivar. I have them in varying lots of purpleness, or stripeyness, all over the yard—probably they're hybridizing with the pure purples—as you can see in the background.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn