Here are some garden pix shot over the past two weeks. Last (but one) week, lots and lots of rain; prior week, temps in the 70s, weak sunshine—glorious.
Things blooming during this period—earlier violets (the ivory white ones with no veins, the very pale purplish ones...); daffs; magnolias; crocus (which are in the iris family, oddly enough!)[1]

Chionodoxa luciliae –glory of the snow.[2]
Pretty sure both of these were shot with the zuiko—for one thing, that big deep hood I have on it protects the lens from rain! (My knees got very wet.)

grape hyacinth, Muscari botryoides/armeniacum[3] (lily family) . 4may. shot with the zuiko 50mm fixed macro
These always fool me at crocus time, because their leaves look so ratty. What is that, I wonder, and, should I yank it out? Nah, mebbe it will have pretty flowers...and a week later, it does:)
Currently blooming, along with the hyacinth:
- redbud
- tulips
- dandelions
- (bradford pear)
- common violet, southern violet
- forsythia
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn