I've been camping and hiking desultorily in the midwest for decades, but I don't recall ever spotting these cool looking orange fungi:

This one was actually flopped over sideways, but I rotated the image and cropped it. Lumix DMC-LX100, september 2017
From a sheer texture point of view, I think this is my fave—it's the first of the series I shot, at any rate!
All of these were within inches, and so, I presume part of the same fungus.
Located on the Sand Hills Quiet Area hiking trail which I suppose is nothing spectacular from an objective point of view—it's a mixed oak-maple forest, with bracken (those tripartite ferns) & wild cranberry (or something similar) understory, a couple of small ponds and plenty of moss and lichens; I just happened on the trail when it was nearly deserted, with dappled sun glittering on trees dripping with the previous night's rain. Plus, it was just chilly enough for my hands to be cold and create some mist, the mosquitoes and ticks happened to be quiescent, and it was probably the best marked trail I've encountered—complete signage at every trail intersection with map, and for easily confused folks like myself, a godsend. So, kudos to whoever was responsible.
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Sylvus Tarn