Today's batch of pix is again of some fungus I've never seen, and my google-fu isn't up to identifying it—guess I need to go find a book—but it's cool.
These are displayed in the order I shot them.
I'm pretty sure the first two are the same kind, just at slightly different stages of development. Not as certain about this one. Note the sandy substrate, which is typical for the region (the area around the Michigan Mitten's ‘little finger’ aka Traverse City.)
Yes, I know mushrooms are fruiting bodies of fungi kingdom organisms, but since they don't wander around, they get shoved in with the plants.
UPDATE 27jan23: pretty sure these things are actually oak apples, which are galls formed by wasps growing in oak leaves or twigs. —So much my woodcraft!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn