Another of my patented golden oldies, since I photographed this item several cameras ago (some nikon or other)[1] started this stub...and then let it sit, figuring I'd post it when I completed the box. Well, the box still ain't complete, and I figure I'll just make another post should I ever finish it. In the meantime I've gotten interested in beaded embroidery again, and wanted to feature the piece:)

in progress, photographed 07jul2008. Actually, this darned project is still in progress as of 12aug2015! That spool of pine green thread, frex, is almost used up.
This is perhaps my first real beaded embroidery since the needlecase (shown in the background) which I completed...I dunno, at least twenty years ago[2] Since the work being showcased here was completed in ’08, that makes for roughly a 15 year gap between them.

Here's a closeup. The embroidery measures roughly 4.5 inches point to point. If you click on the image for a full-size version, can you spot the one, single lampwork bead I incorporated? Oooh, look how white my deck table is. And my deck actually has stain on it!
After what I felt to be the success of the beadwork in this piece, more would follow. The box, however, still needs to have a catch made (I removed the cheap brass one that came with it), and the padding added to both the interior of the box and its lid; not to mention some slightly more secure attachment of the embroidery to the lid.[3]
[1]Digikam says it's the 8400. Yay, exif.
[2]Ironically enough, I hadn't made the post of the needlecase when I created this page, which is no doubt why I featured it in the background.
[3]The embroidery, as well as the padding, was/is to be stretched over hexagon shaped pieces of thin balsa that were cut by a dear friend's spouse to fit in the lid and interior respectively. Also, I wanted to attach lampwork beads to the base, to make little feet. This all remains to be done, the metalworking of the catch being the slow step. Perhaps now that Page has nearly completed her metalworking degree the two of us will get on it...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn