My friend Cindi B, who has inveigled me in seed bead projects before, got together with Anne S, Kim W to have Sharon Wagner teach us this project. I've done these sorts of classes before, and knew I'd be far too lazy to every finish the damn thing, but Sharon's instructions were first rate, and very easy to follow. She's to be congratulated for providing written, diagrammatic and photographic examples, which made going at my own pace much easier. The only part that could be a little tricky was the single needle right angle weave, because you're changing between clockwise and counterclockwise every three beads.

three beadwoven washers. Roughly 20, 24 and 50mm in diameter. December 2011. Steel washers, assorted seed beads, fireline. Just for kicks I photographed the beadwork on a scrap of embroidered paper, to provide a subtle texture. I'm actually pretty happy with the photography.
This was also my introduction to fireline, which I'd never used before. It's kind of weird, plastic-y stuff, and of course I learnt about the ‘don't use your good scissors on this stuff’ rule after I'd cut some with Cindi's embroidery shears. Fortunately, Cindi is good hearted, rather than super-anally obnoxious (that would be me) about her tools.
The two smaller rings I made first, and I followed the teacher's suggestions for design. The big one I did myself, and so of course it turned out butt-ugly. The alternating sizes of cubes did not look cool. The alternating stone and glass beads, even less so. By that time I figured nothing it could make it uglier, so I did sort of a half and half picot edge.
It was fun to root around in everyone's bead collections, though;)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn