The artist who gave me the furnace glass that I incorporated in the bead curtain strands featured last week liked the idea and decided she'd like a strand, too. She liked the rainbow effect of my original curtain—she hangs a rainbow flag in a window by the front door—and so asked to do a complete rainbow in one strand.

rainbow beadcurtain strand. Effetre, czech lead, furnace glass, possibly some boro. Note that it has leaders on both ends, for greater display flexibility. Shot 29mar2014, E620
I recall discussing the sun, but not exactly how it came up. There are some quite old beads, such as the czech lead-glass pine green wing in the lower left, or the twist red dot in the center of the red section in the upper right[1]
Perhaps the most challenging aspect was editing down all the beads I had to stay under the length requirement, and even so, ISTR it ran long. It now hangs above a kitchen window, strung horizontally as a sort of glassy valence, a place of honour, which deeply gratifies me.
edit: swapped a tag, 26may2018.
[1]I think I made this into a miniature ornament for my mother-in-law, had it returned to me after she died, was at a loss for what to do with such a bad bead, had it spotted & requested for this one...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn