This was photographed—and, I presume, strung—the same day as the other singlestrand rainbow beadcurtain strand. I'd made the fused focal that hangs at the bottom years ago[1] but hadn't really followed up with that particular technique; I was ready to give the piece a new home.[2] Plus, I had all those leftover beads I'd edited out of the longer rainbow beadcurtain strand, so I threw this together. (One of the reasons artists like to work in series is it saves on setup time, which in my case means digging out all the suitable beads, then putting the unused ones away again, that latter being even more of an inducement to string up more stuff in the same colourway—less to put away, besides already being in the headspace.)

/E620/2014/20140329: effetre, bullseye, borosilicate beads, with focal made from fused effetre shorts. The bullseye bead is the pink one with yellow lime scrolling; the boro is the spacer just to the left of the dark red pixie.
I particularly like the way I styled the piece, which I feel shows off the graduated colour of the leader, echoing the same transitions in the live area.
[1]Over a decade, in fact.
[2]So it's kind of ironic that I have no idea who has it—but somebody not me does. I always wonder how many of the things I've made will end up in junk shops, for a pittance, perhaps to be discovered and loved by someone new: perhaps, because that's how I've found some really cool things that clearly represented a lot of love and time way back when.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn