Founded by Marg Baskin and Heather Bruton, Sord&Sworcery is an old-fashioned print science fiction, fantasy and horror apa. It goes out 4x a year, with postmark deadlines of the Equinoxes and Solstices. Dues are still about $16.00 for US postal customers, and more for international members. I like to think that our group is friendly, inclusive, covering a broad range of artistic and literary styles, ranging from poetry to old-fashioned serials to ‘stream-of-consciousness’; members working in visual media cover a similarly wide range of styles, everything from silverpoint to CGI.
We have openings. If what you see here whets your interest, drop me a line—a link to my email address is at the bottom of this (and just about every other) page on this site.
With the current anniversary issue finally going to press, Sord&Sworcery has now passed its 14th anniversary, and still is going strong. (Unfortunately, I don't have that image yet; you'll have to make do with past examples of Joel Keener's work, and my effort at last year's wraparound, below:)
Laser printers are bad enough, but el cheapo inkjet ones are worse. To print 11 covers, front and back, required two color ink cartridges and one black one. At $20 a pop, that's a lot of ink. My next printer will, of course, have individual ink resevoirs, but in the meantime, I think I need to balance my color usage a little more carefully. And if only the rotten things would still work when empty, I could do some weird things all in red, orange and yellow.
Oh well. (In fact, my next foray into color printing, a trib cover for 56 does just that.) Long time member Deb Brown has posted An Odan Myth for those of you who would like a taste of the fiction members write. See below for a gallery of prior apa covers, a little outdated because though Joel Keener sent them right when I asked, then it took me two years to post them Fortunately, I don't usually procrastinate that horribly, and now that I've posted these, perhaps he'll send some recent goodies too:)

The thumbnail is a crop of this atmospheric cover for issue #50 by R. Wayt Smith. The smoothness of the water reminds me of camping trips along the Great Lakes, at dawn. Copyright R. Wayt Smith; all rights reserved.

A Helping Hand: Joel has a rather subversive sense of humor, as this Holiday 2002 cover for S&S49 shows:) Copyright Joel T. Keener. All rights reserved.

Another crop of a wrap-around cover by Joel Keener. The original for #48 features silverpoint, an entirely suitable medium for his interpretation of the ancient myth. Copyright Joel T. Keener; all rights reserved.

Interestingly enough, the title for #47 is The Curse of War the name of the file is “The Dogs of War”, which would seem to indicate some evolution since the file was named...another of Joel Keener's coloristically rich paintings. Copyright Joel T. Keener; all rights reserved.

Since the deadlines fall on the Solstices, Holiday covers are a natural, as #45, for December of 2001 shows. Copyright Joel T. Keener; all rights reserved.

Original artwork and cover design by Joel T. Keener, aka James T. Kirk: “To Boldly Go...” (Our resident pirate has a very sly sense of humor, as this ish illustrates.) The Millennium issue, for the Spring Equinox of 2001. Copyright Joel T. Keener. All rights reserved.
Many apa members have work on their own websites—Deb Brown paints and weaves, as well as writes; April Lee has a very large gallery of her work, which includes gaming cards, computer game art and other works; Helena Anderson shows her goddess inspired paintings; our newest member, Phillip Ellis, posts his poetry and nonfiction
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn