My Sunday bike riding picture partner[1] did an awesome trip (to Anarctica in Jan of 2023—he and his travelling partner spent 18 months ramping up their kayaking skills to prep for it) but alas, came back with COVID, so I had to ride by myself.

Bicycle parked on a snowy dirt road; PP6, f/1.9 1/1272s, ev 0; out of the box, except minor scaling.
But this beautiful snowfall! (In fact, that's pretty much all I noted about it in my journal for the day[2] .) And since I happen to have a black and white bike, it co-ordinated beautifully.[3]
[1]02mar23: what a weird thinko—obvs smth to do w p-initiation & thinking about pictures, which are nearly always the starting point of these pages, but stillllll...
[2]My todo list technically, but it also serves as a to-done
[3]Though I really should wash the dried brownish grey crud off the underside of the down's been there for years, and it's pretty uggo.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn