I really didn't feel like baking, and figured there would be plenty of food even if I didn't bring a dish to pass. —Round about 2pm I needed to get off my ass and make this bird, since the party started at 6pm.

Couldn't find my handi-tac anywhere, so I leaned the bead up against a prop. What looks like a flaw at the throat was my attempt to rake down from the underside of the head, so it would look less plopped on. This is not by any means a perfect bead!
I quite liked the way the white thompson enamel acted as an undercoat in the pink birdies so I did that again for this one. I was a bit concerned that such disparate colors—green and purple, which are near complements, after all—wouldn't blend well, but it wasn't a problem. Now, the bead was too short, (resulting in a rather misshapen bird body) and I got pixie dust on its eyes (which just looks weird) but I felt the color scheme worked ok.

This time I propped the bead on a metal finding I originally purchased for making knobs. That failed miserably, but it makes a decent stand for this bead!
Razoring the wing feather patterns is still difficult for me, but I think I was more successful on this side, and I do, ever so slowly, seem to be getting the hang of forked tails, which I seem to recall Kim mentioning were difficult.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn