This site has gotten kind of big over the years, and sometimes I have trouble finding stuff—even with fast (lan) lookup and the knowledge that I organized it. So, if you've come here to try and figure out where that interesting image you were hoping to incorporate in the art project that due tomorrow, this page may help. A little.
(I haven't gotten around to begging the wizard to rewrite the code, but unless the material—images or art, typically—is made by someone else, or is of someone else—on this site is available under either the noncommercial or commercial (you pick) creative commons share-alike/attributed license. See their site for more info on how that works. A hint: if your work is to be commercial, you need to choose the commercial license:) and my faq on more of my philosophic maunderings on this and other topics.
Firstly, it might help to keep in mind that although a lot of stuff, like the HowtoGlassBeads, or Studios, appear to be subdirectories of other directories, (i.e. GlassBeads) they aren't: with a very few exceptions, everything is in a top level directory, though some of those directories pretty much consist of an index file that includes links to variety of related topics. (The exceptions that spring to mind are the Vietnam pages, each day being a subdirectory—even though I might only show 5–10 pix a day, I sometimes took as many as a 100, and keeping those straight was easier if I retained the date/directory scheme I organize the originals of my digital images.)
Secondly, most directories have some sort of index page that links to the various pages in that directory, except where I haven't gotten around to adding the latest batch of files, or am in the process of writing a bunch of stuff and am waiting till that gets done to organize the index page for that directory, or I happen for whatever quirky reason to want the page to be sort of tucked away and hard to find (rants fall into this category on a regular basis). Nor do I show where any off-site links fit into this.
- Adornment (directory button))
- Beadstringing
- Beadstring howto one page only
- Beadweaving
- Food
- Freestyle (hand) Embroidery
- Freestyle (machine) Embroidery
- Garden(directory button)
- Garden, 1997
- Garden, 98-00
- Garden, 2000
- Garden, 2005
- Garden, 2006
- Giftwrapping
- Glass Beads (directory button)
- Glass Bead (& other) trades
- Glass commemorative bead for glbg
- Glass beadmaking howtos
- Holiday Crafts(directory button)
- Kumihimo (Japanese braiding)
- Howto overview(directory button)
- Miscellaneous overview(directory button)
- Local Architecture
- Local flora&fauna etc pix, some here
- One page of Minnesotan flora
- Other Artists’ Work
- Portland garden pix & glass bead conference stuff
- Mystery reviews, all 2 of ’em
- Pysanky
- Rants and raves
- Scrimshaw (currently only one file)
- Tapestry Needleweaving
- Textile (directory button)
- Wirewrapping
- Various bead (& other) Studios
- Vacation MI & WI park flower pix
- Vietnam bike trip assorted pix
Whew. And I've probably missed a few.
So now that you're grinding your teeth in real frustration because you still can't figure out where that stupid page which was the only interesting one on the whole damn site is, a hint: a lot of these “lost” links are on the main page, as blog entries. I have tried to list all the (public) directories I could find. Someday, I suppose I'll either clean them up or convince the wizard to make this entire site a dynamically loading one that automatically generates click-next cycles and index pages. Sure. Any day now.
In the meantime, imperfection and incompleteness, those banes of website construction, shall rule. (Have a nice day:)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn