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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Xmas cactus,
or, fuchsia!

This post is actually supposed to be about the plant hanger, but for some reason the rest of my directory wouldn't load. It's not as if I haven't been trying to show this work for 3–4 years...

Closeup of a xmas cactus bloom in my studio.

I like this plant because it's one of the few that thrives in my studio, which is 40 degrees in the winter and gets up to 100degF in the summer—since I couldn't show the winter version, here's a lensbaby interpretation of the same plant from last summer:

beaded plant hanger, with cactus plant.

This picture is artistic rather than informative, but you can still get a sense of the tassel, which is at least a foot (30cm) long. The design is based upon an inexpensive nylon and wooden bead plant hanger, so it's pretty straightforward. The big bead right under the pot is a dichro lumpen.


[studio] [plant_hanger]