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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Purple Lumpen
Sort of a reddish lilac, really...

The focal bead is a transparent hollow bead made with Morretti (Effetre) purple, cased with transparent green dichroic glass and acid etched. The three hollow beads that frame it in a triangular manner—on the sides and just above the tassel—are also hollow, but the soft effect is created with pixie dust (titanium dioxide powders, such as are used in automotive paint and makeup). Both surface treatments blend nicely with the dark pearls. Like the peach necklace, this one appears to have little or no semi-precious stone in it, and like the peach necklace, the top part of the piece was finished last, and by someone else—hence the simpler treatment of the seed beads, but the more elaborate design (which I would've been too lazy to do) right by the clasp, giving the piece a nicely finished look.

Photographed 29jul2000.[1]

I tended to use quite large beads for the dangles, as with the large hexagonal bead in the top dangle. Silver, glass, pearls. Strung on beadalon. Photographed with a dc260 (hence the fuzzyness).[2] Private collection.

[1]The image is in an unreadable .FPX format, but I can read the date...

[2]Thus, the piece can be roughly dated to 1998, when the DC260 was being reviewed (and I started seriously to make beads) and 2001, when I got a new camera.